1 15oz Box Raisin Bran Cereal
2 1/2 Cups Sugar
5 Cups Flour
5 tsp Baking Soda
2 Tsp Salt
1 Tbl Cinnamon
1 Cup Cooking Oil
4 Eggs, Beaten
1 Quart Buttermilk
Mix dry ingredients and liquid ingredients separately. Combine and mix well. Fill greased muffin tins 2/3 full. Bake at 400 for 18 - 20 minutes. Keep any extra batter for up to 6 weeks in a tightly sealed plastic or glass container. Don't freeze.
Kat - thanks so much for posting this recipe. Your grandmother Fortune made these one summer when I stayed with them and I ADORED them. I've kicked myself a thousand times for not getting the recipe from her. And, dummy that I am, I never thought to ask your mother for it!