Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daddy's Girl.

I am a Daddy's girl. I always have been. And I had the BEST dad in the whole world for 24 years, 4 months and 12 days. It was a precious gift, and I am thankful and so blessed to have known that my Daddy loved his girl. I can't believe that it was a whole year ago when my sweet Daddy went to heaven. I can't believe the last time I heard him call me Katty was a whole year ago. I can't believe the last time I heard him laugh at Ben's silly jokes was a whole year ago. I can't believe the last time he gave me advice was a whole year ago. I miss him so much. I miss not sharing the adventures of our life with him. God has been faithful. He has provided grace in abundance. He has allowed joy to slowly weave its way back into our daily lives. And, He has allowed me to lean into the goodness of His promises. It is a choice to fall into the arms of my heavenly Father. A daily choice. When Satan tries to wrap himself around our family with his lies, I must choose to surround myself with God's presence. I must cling to the truth that I stood firm on before my life came crashing down around me on that Colorado mountain. The truth that God works all things for His purpose and glory. The truth that God is still in control and still good. And the simple truth that God loves His girl desperately. The truth that God's heart was broken for His children on that snowy, beautiful mountain top, the same mountain He formed with his own hands. And I choose to celebrate in the fact that God gave me a wonderful Daddy. He gave me a Daddy who wasn't afraid to show how much he loved his family. My Dad told me he was proud of me a lot. I was blessed, and I choose today to continue to believe I am blessed for having known him. I was blessed to dance with my Daddy when I was a little girl. And I was so blessed to dance with my Daddy on my wedding day.

And I will dance with my Daddy again one day in heaven. And my God speaks truth to my heart, and reminds me that I am still a Daddy's girl. I am His girl always and He loves us even when its hard to choose to believe His truths.

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