Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pineapple Chicken Verde

Hello there!

I've been busy chasing a toddler and enjoying summer... and making quick suppers. Here is a yummy one we had earlier this week:

Pineapple Chicken Verde
It was based on this recipe from The Gracious Pantry, and I just made a few adjustments. It was SO easy, and yummy, and very healthy.

Jay and I have been doing a month of clean(er) eating and gluten free. And when I say "we" I mean I have been doing it, and Jay has been supportive and trying really hard. Bless his heart. But seriously the boy's life is utter chaos most of the time, and he eats fairly well for it to be so. Still working on that...

Anyway, I have actually loved eating gluten free. Well, kinda loved it... basically it has been wayyyy easier than I expected, and I really do feel better. I decided that I consume too much junk in the form of granola bars and crackers, and claim to be "eating healthy" just because I didn't eat a cookie or a bag of chips. All that flour tt still turns right to sugar in my body, and the more I would eat, the more I would crave bread! Its been a detox month I guess. Anyway, I have been taking the time to choose fruits and veggies as snacks... and lots corn tortilla chips. This girl can't live without her chips and salsa! A tiny step in moving towards an unprocessed lifestyle....

SO, this recipe fit the bill, and was just a dump everything in the crock pot lifesaver! My adorable toddler likes to hit-the-wall around 5:30 when its time to fix dinner, and demands an abundance of books be read to her in the 30 minutes it takes to make dinner. Enter the crock pot! WOO HOO!

Now for this recipe...

3 Chicken Breasts
1 Cup Verde (Green) Salsa (mine was from Trader Joes)
1 Cup Crushed Pineapple (in real fruit juice!)
1 Red Bell Pepper (Sliced up thin)
Diced Jalapeno

Now for the hard part... dump everything into the crock pot, except the quinoa, and cook on low for 4 hours! Perfect thing to get started during nap time!

 Shred the chicken with two forks after about 4 hours and make your quinoa based on package directions.

Serve chicken mix over quinoa. We also had a yummy summer salad.

It was great re-heated for lunch the next day too. Hope y'all love a quick, healthy meal as much as we do!

AND, if anyone has an gluten free, easy recipes they love... please share!

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  1. This looks SO good! I definitely want to try it! And what did you put in that salad? It looks delicious!

  2. That salad does look great! And I'm very impressed with your gluten free! Do you think you'll continue it?
