Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful November: Week #1

"Thanksgiving is the state if the perfect man. Thanksgiving is the life of paradise. Thanksgiving is the only full and real response of man to God's creation, redemption, and gift of heaven"
Alexander Schmemann

I love all the Thankfulness posts all over Facebook. It is always great to spend some focused time and thought on being Thankful.

God is seriously rocking my world and teaching me so much about how living a Thankful life leads to a JOYFUL life. It is simple, but I am telling you what, it takes some serious mindset changes to live every moment with an attitude of thanksgiving.

A sweet friend sent me the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp...I might be late on hearing about this book? But either way, I can't put it down. And I am only in the 3rd or 4th chapter. I keep re-reading the same sections. Poor Jay gets into bed every night and I have about 10 exerts he MUST hear again. {I am lucky he puts up with my crazy, scatterbrained mind :) }

Oh, and don't feel left out... here is an exert for you:

"As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible. Joy is always possible. Whenever, meaning - now; Wherever, meaning - here. The holy grail of Joy is not in some exotic location or some emotional mountain peak experience. The Joy could be here. Here in the mess, piercing ache of now. Joy might be - unbelievably - possible! The only place we need to see before we die is the place of seeing God, here and now."
Ann Voskamp

Joy is always possible.
Choosing to see things in life as a gift is choosing to see the Joy around us. 
 This week I am thankful for this precious girl. And I am thankful for chilly mornings to get bundled up and head out for a walk. So blessed with health and the ability to freely exercise.
 Thankful for a night out with my husband and girl {even if it was just to Costco with coupons in hand!} It was a night just the three of us, out, and together. I am so thankful for the joy of togetherness as a family. 
 Thankful for playtime with this cutie. For her giggles and two-toothed big smiles. And of course for her affinity for being naked. {Enjoy it now girlfriend!}
 Thankful for Bananas. For mashed and smooshed Bananas. They are the only thing so far that Caroline actually enjoys eating. Some days you just celebrate the small Mama victories. 
 SO thankful to get to watch this precious Father-Daughter relationship grow. They adore each other, and I love it. LOVE IT! There aren't words, other than to say, this is Joy to me, and I am thankful.

"No one receives the peace of God without giving thanks to God. 

Thankfulness is the deep, contented breath of Peacefulness." -Ann Voskamp

What are you choosing to be thankful for this week? Just look, there is an abundance. 

{You can follow my Daily Thankfuls on instagram too: @katherine_hawkins}

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  1. I'm so thankful for you my dear! A true gift.

  2. Oh man...Lee, you stole mine! :) I'm thankful for you, too, Kat!
