Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a monday adventure

We bought a Cow Print trailer last week. Yup its a beauty and may or may not say "Honk if you love Chicken!". 

We are pretty excited about all the possibilities with this new "toy" for Jay. Lots of Chick-fil-A to be taken to people that don't normal make the trek to our restaurant because our county is pretty large. The only problem with this trailer was that is was in Gaffney, SC. Thats about 8 hours away in trailer pulling time. 

Lucky for us we were able to stay with family over the weekend {and see Gammy and Papa!} and then pick up our massive mini hotel room of a trailer on Monday.

We made the trek back to Waynesboro, VA with our Bella dog in the front seat, Jay driving of course, Caroline in her car seat {of course!), and me in the back seat entertaining her for a very, very loooong 8 hours. It usually take us about 5 1/2 to SC but pulling a cow trailer is a different story.

We made several stops to stretch and play and feed the little babe.... and to add more air to the tires and oil to the car. It was a little scary driving such a massive beast... Jay was a rock star though and did awesome!

Caroline, by the way, is the BEST 4 month old EVER. She really is such a trooper. We love our girl so much, and she truly is the PERFECT addition into our crazy life journey. {OH, and I must say, Bella is the ABSOLUTE BEST DOG EVER too. Man, she puts up with us very well!}

Caroline slept quite a bit, and we read books, and had a mini GiggleBellies youtube video marathon. And then we got about 20 miles from home and she decided to announce that she was officially DONE. The last little bit of the drive was a lot of baby screaming, and some of me singing "Rise and Shine" and "Old McDonald had a Farm" loudly over her to try and calm her down. Aside from that it was an exciting adventure!

We had close to 50 honks for others loving chicken, and lots of waves and thumbs up, and several people eating Chick-fil-A on the road holding up their cups as they drove by. We felt the love for sure!

Now to sell some chicken... and change that lettering to Chick-fil-A of Waynesboro... some how i got roped into that task....

This is a normal monday activity for other people isn't it? Nope, I didn't even think we were close to normal :)

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  1. Caroline looks like..."Mama, I have something important to tell you"! What a cutie and good sport! Honk Honk Honk for CFA!!
